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Community Service Operation Policy

Community Service Operation Policy

TTJA manages its community to foster a desirable culture through its "Community Service Operation Policy." It enforces sanctions, including unannounced content removal and account usage restrictions, for content that does not align with the purpose of operation. This policy applies to all users of the service.

1. Content Restriction Regulations

a. "Content" refers to all types of content, including text, images, photos, videos, audio, links, and more, posted in public spaces that can be viewed by other users.

b. Content that falls under the following criteria will be subject to service usage restrictions:

i. Unsubstantiated defamation and disparagement that causes discomfort to others.

1. Content that insults or defames specific members, potentially causing defamation.

2. Content with profanity and offensive language or personal attacks.

3. Content that induces self-harm, suicide, or creates an aggressive atmosphere.

4. Content that discredits or disrespects specific individuals or groups based on gender, age, location, origin, race, sexual orientation, disability, occupation, religion, etc.

5. Usage of specific terms that lead to disputes.

6. Any behavior that is difficult to accept according to social norms.

ii. Repetitive Posts

1. Repetitive or similar statements or postings three or more times.

iii. False information or unverified facts.

iv. Advertisements and promotional content.

v. Spammy content.

1. Promotion of commercial activities for oneself or a third party.

2. Mentions and inducements to visit other communities or websites.

vi. Violations of online etiquette.

1. Impersonation of community operators, corporate personnel, acquaintances, or other users.

2. Collection, deduction, or dissemination of others' personal information.

3. Posting or speaking about content that causes discomfort, such as crimes, illegal activities, or obscenity.

2. Usage Restrictions

a. Users are initially blocked based on user reports.

i. Continuous monitoring by administrators for confirmation.

ii. Malicious reporters will face sanctions.

b. Posting content that violates content restriction regulations.

c. Artificially inflating likes or views on a post through unethical methods

d. Intentional creation of multiple accounts

e. Flase reporting or personal dispute

3. Withdrawal Management

a. Management of posts when a member withdraws:

i. Posts made by withdrawing members will not be deleted after withdrawal, as deleting member information makes it impossible to verify the author's identity.

ii. If you wish to delete your posts, please use "My Posts" before proceeding with withdrawal.